Diocesan Environment Group (DEG)

News from the DEG

Latest news from the DEG

Eco Church

The Eco Church vision is for all churches to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.


Know more about the DEG

Get to know more about the DEG.

Get involved

Get involved with the Diocesan Environment Group.

Environmental resources

Links to environmental resources for you to use.

Climate Change and our Carbon Footprint

Resources for measuring and offsetting your carbon footprint.

Churchyard Management

Advice for managing churchyards.


Diocesan Environment Group (DEG)

The Diocesan Environment Group promotes the Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission, to 'strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth'.

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News Archive

An archive of news from the DEG.

Reconciling a Wounded Planet

'Reconciling a Wounded Planet' was a two day conference that took place in 2015 in Coventry Cathedral.

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