2016-17 Archive

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Working towards a Net Zero Economy Cherishing Churchyards Month 2016 News and events


Working towards a Net Zero Carbon Economy

This was a Day conference at St Michael's House, Coventry Cathedral on Saturday 8th July 2017 hosted by Coventry Cathedral Reconciliation Ministry and the Coventry Diocesan Environment Group.

The keynote speaker was Revd Dr Darrell Hannah, Rector of All Saints, Ascot and a Trustee of Operation Noah (http://operationnoah.org/), who spoke on ON's Bright Now programme of Divestment from fossil fuels and reinvestment in renewables (https://youtu.be/aU1S9NHVojo). Our other speakers were local: Bob Sherman of Harbury e-Wheels; George Browning, organic farmer, generator of solar pv and electric car driver; Tony McNally of Climate Change Solutions Ltd, Ryton; Dr Lim Ho from Stratford Methodist Church, which generates energy from Solar pv and a Ground source heat pump; John Cooper, West Midlands Regional Coordinator of Christian Aid (https://youtu.be/qTC87c0Vlyw). Thirty six people took part in the day, which was instructive and encouraging.

Many thanks to Rev Haley Jones, who hosted the conference and who returned shortly after to the USA after two years working as an intern for the Coventry Cathedral Reconciliation Ministry.

Cherishing Churchyards Month, June 2017 - a number of events took place...

  • St Andrew's Cherishing Churchyards Day (Sunday 4th June) included a treasure hunt in the churchyard and crafts, such as bird box building, followed by a picnic in the park. This was a great day!
  • St James' Church, Alveston, Churchyard Day (Saturday 10th June) included looking at results of moth trapping and small mammal trapping, a wildflower survey, minibeast hunt, children's crafts and Teddy Bears' Picnic. The cakes were brilliant!
  • St Leonard's Church, Birdingbury held a Care of Creation Service, Debbie Wright, the WWT Hedgehog Officer for Rugby spoke and demonstrated hedgehog footprint tunnels.
  • St Edmund's Church, Shipston on Stour (Saturday 17th June) BBQ/picnic with bring and share tea in newly re-opened churchyard.
  • All Saints Church Leek Wootton (Sunday 18th June) Activities included churchyard trail, minibeast hunting, hedgehog home building and Teddy Bears' Picnic.
  • St Martin in the Fields Finham, Coventry (Saturday 24th June) Community Environment Day which included children's activities, reducing one's ecological footprint activities, stalls and food.
  • St Mary's Church, Oldberrow (Saturday 24th June and Sunday 25th June) A number of visitors from near and further afield explored the biodiversity in this amazing species rich churchyard; tea and cake was greatly enjoyed!
  • St Paul's Church, Warwick (Sunday 2nd July) A Community Fun Day including treasure hunt, mini beast safari and fancy dress competition in the beautiful churchyard. Free ice cream was an added bonus!

Green Church Awards 2017 - See https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/green-church 

2016 Events and News

Eco Church was launched at St Peter's Wellesbourne on the evening of 23rd February 2016.


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