Bishop's Certificate in Discipleship and Mission - Creation Care |
Christian Rural and Environmental Studies |
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Bishop's Certificate in Discipleship and Mission - Creation Care
This module, through consideration of scripture and science, looks at God’s creation, our place in it and the hope that we have for the future in a time of environmental crisis.
Its aims are to understand the importance of caring for creation from a biblical, theological and Godly perspective, to bring together scriptural, scientific and practical understanding to help us safeguard creation as part of our mission and life as Christians and to be inspired and hopeful to live differently in the world based on Christian principles and discipleship, inspiring others to do likewise.
The course is led by Revd Charlotte Jackson The next Creation Care course will be advertised in eBulletin.
Previous Creation Care courses ran at St John's,Westwood (May 2017), St Edmund's, Shipston (October - November 2017), St Barbara's, Kenilworth (March - April 2018), St Peter's Dunchurch (June 2019) and St Andrew's Eastern Green and online (March 2020).
*Christian Rural and Environmental Studies
This two year Certificate course provides an opportunity to study rural and environmental issues from a Christian viewpoint. It will be of interest to all with a personal or professional concern for the environment and countryside, rural communities and churches. There are no entry requirements. If you would like to consider joining up for the coming academic year go to
For more information, contact the Diocesan Environment Officer ( who is currently a CRES Tutor, as is Revd Charlotte Jackson.
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Martin Hodson & Margot Hodson (2021) A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues BRF. This guide includes ethical reflections, Bible studies focusing on a different biblical doctrine for each chapter, and eco-tips to enable practical response. Among the issues covered are climate change, food, biodiversity, and population, together with the relationship between environmental problems and issues relating to world development. "This book looks straight in the eye of the most serious set of environmental challenges humanity faces. Drawing together in accessible ways scientific evidence, biblical reflection and practical ideas, it will provoke you to better think, act and pray for the renewal of creation." Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich.
- Bauckham, Richard (2010) Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation DLT Books
- Berry, R.J. (ed.) (2000) The Care of Creation IVP
- Berry, R.J. (2011) Ecology and the Environment Templeton Press
- Bookless, Dave (2008) Planetwise IVP
- Bookless, Dave (2010) God doesn’t do waste IVP
- Ede, Paul (2013) Urban Eco-mission Grove Books Ltd. E169*
- Hodson, Martin J. & Hodson, Margot R. (2008) Cherishing the Earth: How to care for God’s Creation Monarch Books
- Martin Hodson & Margot Hodson (2021) A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues BRF
- Hodson, Martin J. & Hodson, Margot, R. (2017) An Introduction to Environmental EthicsGrove Books Ltd. E184*
- Houghton, Sir John. (2009) Global Warming: The Complete Briefing Fourth EditionCambridge
- Hulme, Mike J. (2009) Why we disagree about Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity Cambridge
- Jackson, Tim (2009) Prosperity without Growth Routledge
- Jones, Bishop James (2003) Jesus and the Earth SPCK
- Jones, Meegan (2009) Sustainable Event Management earthscan (or 2nd Edition, publ. 2014)
- Lester, Eloise E. (ed.) (1975) Ecology and Christian Responsibility The Community of the Cross of Nails, Coventry Cathedral
- Marlow, Hilary (2008) The Earth is the Lord's: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues Grove Books Ltd B50
- Moo, Douglas J. & Moo, Jonathan A. (2018) Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World Zondervan
- Moo, Jonathan & White, Robert (2013) Hope in an Age of Despair: the gospel and the future of the earth IVP
- Northcott, Michael S. (2007) A Moral Climate: the ethics of global warming DLT Books
- Rebanks, James (2020) English Pastoral: An Inheritance. Publ. Allen Lane [What a great Christmas present! Farming and ecology, hand in hand!]
- Spencer, Nick & White, Robert (2007) Christianity, Climate Change and Sustainable Living SPCK
- Stuart, Tristram (2009) Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal Penguin
- Tarrant, Ian (2019) How to Celebrate Creation Grove Books Ltd. W238
- Valerio, Ruth (2019) Saying Yes to Life SPCK (The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent 2020 Study Book)
- Ruth Valerio (2016) Just Living: Faith and Community in an Age of Consumerism Hodder & Stoughton
- Valerio, Ruth (2008) Environment CWR
- Valerio, Ruth (2008) L is for Lifestyle: Christian Living that Doesn’t Cost the Earth IVP
- White, Lynn (1966) The historic roots of our ecologic crisis. Science 155, 1203-1207 (printed in Berry (2000): see above)
- White, Robert S. (ed.) (2009) Creation in Crisis: Christian Perspectives on SustainabilitySPCK
* to buy Grove Books post-free, visit
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A Rocha UK -
Bats in Churches -
Bauckham, Richard 'Ecological Hope in Crisis?' JRI Briefing Paper No. 23
Dave Bookless (2014) ‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord’ -
*Brown, Gabe: Regeneration of our Land: a producer's perspective (TEDX talk) -
Christian Aid -
Christian Ecology Link - See below under Green Christian.
Christians in Science -
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland -
Climate Stewards -
Eco Church: see
European Christian Environmental Network -
Government 25-year environment plan
Green Christian: Support in greening your church and world. Excellent information and Resources (leaflets) available from Also see
Grove Books -
Law and your environment -
Mackay, David J.C. Mackay (2009) Sustainable Energy – without the Hot Air UIT Cambridge Ltd -
(2009) Sustainable Energy – without the Hot Air UIT Cambridge Ltd -
Natural History Museum on the 'Antropocene':
*No till: benefits of zero tillage to farmers:
Operation Noah -
Plantlife: Managing grassland road verges: (this is a useful resource on meadow vegetation and so should be helpful background information for churchyard mangement)
Reconciling a Wounded Planet -
Ruth Valerio at St Paul’s Cathedral -
Shrinking the Footprint -
Sir John Houghton (2007) Why care for the environment Faraday Paper No. 5 (4 pages downloadable) - Papers/Faraday Paper 5 Houghton_EN.pdf
Sustainable Events Guide -
The John Ray Initiative - Download papers from this site on a range of important environmental topics
- Summary by JRI chairman of talk on Climate Change by climatologist Katharine Hayhoe:
The Church and the Earth 2009 – 2016 -
The Dispossession Project (Eco House) -
Trophic cascades: how reintroducing predators can change ecosystems for the better. The Yellowstone example: see excellent short Youtube at
World Wildlife Fund (Living Planet Report 2014) -
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St Mary's Cubbington Eco Tips pdf for parish mag or news sheet
Church of England's new Net Zero Carbon Target
Creation Care Bible Study Resources from Leeds Diocese
Diocese of Coventry Environmental Policy 2020
Five Marks of Mission Environmental Strands
Environment Reading and Resources List
A BCDM assignment on Creation Care and the 8EQs
Buying paper in an environmentally friendly way
Joy in Enough Prayer of Confession
Creation Care courses Diocese of Leeds list
Eco Church Gold Award St Andrew's Rugby
Powerpoint: Claire Strachan - Caring for your churchyard
Cherishing Churchyards poem from children at St Peter's Dunchurch
*Particularly Agricultural and Rural references are asterisked