2020 Archive


Welcome to the archive for news, events and other updates from 2020 in the life of the DEG.


See The Lord Mayor's Peace Lecture November 2020 given by Professor Sir David King on Climate Change.

Congratulations to Chelmsford Cathedral and Revd Imogen Nay, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship for their Cathedral Silver Eco Church Award; Imogen was formerly vicar of St Andrew's Rugby when it gained a Gold Award.

See https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/news/article/eco-church-success-in: 'Greening the Church - online conference’ was hosted by Chelmsford Cathedral on Saturday 13 June. The conference took place on the ‘Greening the Church’ Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/727013254703425).

Green Christian's new seven week course, Radical Presence, took place twice, in May and July 2020 as an initiative to help churches build a more sustainable, just and compassionate world after the pandemic. Green Christian's Radical Presence was a programme of online conversations, to help us to hear God’s word in this time of pandemic. To become a Green Christian member costs from £2 a month through the website www.greenchristian.org.uk.


Eco Church and Cherishing Churchyards event - 24th February 2020 at St Martin's Finham

At this meeting we considered the Community and Global Engagement section of the Eco Church section. Fred Kratt spoke about last year's Moana Conference in Lincoln which highlighted the plight of Pacific Ocean islanders as a result of climate change and the role of churches and particularly young people in response. Dr Debbie Wright spoke about engagement with the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust's new programme for young people, an opportunity for our churches to be involved. Tricia West spoke about St Mary's Cubbington, a Silver Award Church, and their involvement in the community and Nicola Perryman reported on the Kenilworth Eco Fayre which took place last autumn and then invited churches to join up with doing Cherishing Churchyards events this summer. 46 people attended from a number of churches, including URC and Baptist.

Posted on 4th October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the State of Nature Report 2019 makes grim reading as we see continued loss of biodiversity in the UK. This very comprehensive review is packed with the latest statistics.

Kenilworth Eco Fayre: event on 3rd October 2020 and links to reports available on our Eco Church page.


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