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Diocese of Coventry Centenary 1918 - 2018
Our 2018 centenary celebration included registering as an Eco Diocese! One of the Five Marks of Mission is 'To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth'.
Many dioceses have identified Eco Church as a key tool to encourage churches to engage in creation care; this led A Rocha UK to introduce the idea of Eco Diocese. Amongst other things, this Diocese has an agreed Environmental Policy and, for Bronze Award, to have at least 10% of its churches registered for Eco Church with 5% having achieved Bronze. The Diocese of Coventry registered as an Eco Diocese as part of our centenary celebration. Could your church consider signing up to Eco Church in 2018? If you have signed up, do try to attain award status so that we can gain Bronze Award Eco Diocese status.
Eco Church AND Cherishing Churchyards Meetings, 2018
Wednesday 18th April 2018 evening meeting, 7.30-9.00pm, at Holy Trinity, Hartshill - with Vicky Gilbert of Eco Church Gold Award winning St Catherine's Burbage
See the Flyer for this April meeting. Following an introduction to Eco Church by DEO Godfrey Armitage, we heard from Vicky Gilbert how St Catherine's Burbage (Leicester Diocese) achieved Gold. Vicky described the journey which started years before Eco Church was founded (2016) with a group in the parish who were passionate about caring for God's creation. Working through the Eco Congregation scheme, like our own St Andrew's Eastern Green, a very supportive vicar, a team of enthusiastic and imaginative parishioners, regular Fairtrade involvement, active gardening and ground source heating were some of the things that helped. In addition, more than just ticking the boxes on the survey, they described the various things they had done in the extra boxes provided.
They also looked at everything that they could do, rather than being discouraged by things that were not feasible. Other talks were given by Revd Sheila Bridge (PJ's Veg Beds in Rugby), Nicola Perryman (Worship Outdoors and Cherishing Churchyards 2018) and Amanda Ross (Global Engagement with Practical Action). Over 50 people attended from 21 Diocese of Coventry churches as far away as Shipston and Grandborough and three other churches. Thanks to Revd Heather Barnes and her team for their great hospitality.
Report on Tuesday 13th March 2018 evening meeting, 7.30 - 9.00pm, at St Michael's Budbrooke
36 people came from 19 parishes to this excellent evening event to hear about Eco Church and the progress that various churches have been making with this scheme; see the flyer for the Budbrooke meeting. This was followed by a report on last year's Cherishing Churchyards events, discussion groups and a plenary session.
The Centenary Tree Project
As part of the Diocesan Centenary in summer 2018, the DEG organised The Centenary Tree Project; we hoped that a tree would be planted to commemmorate the Centenary in every churchyard and in the grounds of each Church of England School, together with a plaque commemmorating the Centenary. In the end (30th January 2019.), 70 of our 240 churches applied for a tree.
In addition, three trees were distributed to nearly every Diocesan church school at the service in Coventry Cathedral that ended the year-long Cross of Nails Pilgrimage.
Cherishing Churchyards Events, June 2018
- St Edmund's, Shipston on Stour
A great occasion, with a BBQ in the Churchyard; looking good in the fine weather. St Edmund's has registered for Eco Church.
- St Mary's, Oldberrow
Tea and cakes were enjoyed in the most biodiverse churchyard in Warwickshire (Steven Falk (2009): Warwickshire's Wildflowers Brewin Books). Hoary Plantain, Common Spotted Orchid and increasing numbers of Yellow Rattle. Also great creation care service.
- St Andrew's, Eastern Green
Another great effort by the home team, but we hope to get more visitors next year!
- St James', Alveston
This was another great occasion to see this example of excellent practice in churchyard management for biodiversity.
- St Peter's, Butler's Marston
A great service celebrating their beautiful churchyard on Sunday 24th June.
- All Saint's, Leek Wootton
We had guided tours around the churchyard to identify trees and then flowering plants and excellent refreshments provided by the local Scouts.
- St Peter's, Dunchurch
Some very imaginative ideas to make the most of this amazing large churchyard. See the poem (Right hand panel) written by children to describe their sensory experiences in the churchyard.
Via Beata
A pilgrimage route from Lowestoft to St David's. To mark the mid-point of the route, a large carved cross has been put up at Redhill Christian Centre (http://www.viabeata.co.uk/2017/07/10/giant-cross-at-mid-point-of-via-beata/). On Sunday 2nd September 2018, the way station at Leamington Hastings was commissioned with its seats and beautiful carved representations of singers from the parish, something you must see!