Welcome to our new deacons
Eleven new deacons will be ordained at Coventry Cathedral on the 4th July.
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Eleven new deacons will be ordained at Coventry Cathedral on the 4th July.
A text and email scam has been targeting church workers by impersonating clergy.
Archdeacon Barry is pleased to announce that The Reverend Sally Buddle has been appointed as the Director of Healthy Churches and New Worshipping Communities.
Bishop John is keen to bring your attention an appeal for the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza.
The Revd Naomi Nixon, an Associate Priest of Coventry Cathedral, has written a children's book which is illustrated by local artist, Sarah Palmer.
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust has launched Compassionate Rugby, a community movement to help Rugby recover from Covid-19.
Open Heaven is an initiative in the city of Coventry, uniting churches from every denomination, network and stream, to prayer-walk every street during June.
The Bishop of Coventry has joined tributes from across to the city to Penny Walker, the founder of Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre.
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall have visited Coventry Cathedral on the 59th anniversary of its consecration. The visit – at the beginning of Coventry's year as the UK City of Culture – marked the definitive place of the cathedral in this city of peace and reconciliation.
A new Christian landmark is to be built in the Midlands. Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will be a huge, thought-provoking piece of public art, aiming to kindle conversations about prayer.