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Every year on the second Saturday in September, the Warwickshire and Coventry Historic Churches Trust (WCHCT) holds a big fundraising day for the preservation and repair of church buildings.
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Every year on the second Saturday in September, the Warwickshire and Coventry Historic Churches Trust (WCHCT) holds a big fundraising day for the preservation and repair of church buildings.
Summer Singing is the title of a series of worship services that the diocese will be streaming on each of the five Sunday mornings in August.
From the 15th to the 21st of June, the Bishop of Coventry, the Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth travelled and toured Armenia with Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Great Britain.
Through the generosity of one of its members, the Friends of Coventry Cathedral are pleased to have provided Coventry Cathedral with new flagpoles.
The Acceler8 project came to an end on the 30th June. We give thanks for all that has been achieved by the project.
Faith leaders from across the City and some traveling in will take part in a moment of reflection and thanks as part of the first ever Thank You Day being held on Sunday July 4th.
On the 4th July, seven new priests will be ordained by Bishop John at Coventry Cathedral.
The Bishop of Warwick gave a presidential address to Diocesan Synod on Tuesday 22 June 2021.
Eleven new deacons will be ordained at Coventry Cathedral on the 4th July.
A text and email scam has been targeting church workers by impersonating clergy.