Section 1: Permission to Officiate

This section of the website explains some of the aspects of PTO and how to apply. These processes, outlined over the next few pages, are based on the 2018 House of Bishops document regarding the granting of PTO.

PTO is often associated with retired clergy providing cover for Sunday services but it is actually much broader. Some retired clergy choose to focus on certain areas in accordance with their skill sets such as mentoring or prayer ministry and may choose to cover a wide geographical area. Others choose to take on a role which is largely in the parish in which they live.

Some retired clergy who take on a regular role that is rooted in one benefice may be encouraged to receive a licence rather than PTO. Whether or not a licence is more suitable can be discussed as part of the application process, so that you can decide which would suit your ministry best.

Obtaining PTO means that you can continue to exercise an ordained ministry anywhere in the Diocese of Coventry, with the permission of the incumbent of the parish (or churchwardens/Area Dean in the case of a vacancy). If you would like to apply for a PTO or are trying to decide if obtaining PTO is right for you, please follow the link below to “How to Apply”. If you would like to know about any other aspect of PTO, please follow one of the other links.

Section 2: How to Apply

Section 3: The Application Process

Section 4: Receiving Permission to Officiate

Section 5: Ministry with PTO, and Renewal

Section 6: Important Contacts

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