Section 5: Ministry with PTO and renewal

Once you have received your PTO document, you will be able to begin this new stage in your ministry. It may well be that the shape of your ministry changes over time. For this reason, you should meet with your Designated Responsible Person on a yearly basis to discuss your Agreed Expectations as they may need to be updated. An updated and freshly signed document should be sent to the Assistant to the Archdeacons.

Also on a yearly basis, you will need to submit a Ministerial Return which records the number of services that you have been involved in over the course of the year. PTO holders are encouraged to submit this information, along with their updated Agreed Expectations every January. A blank Ministerial Return form can be found here.

Around four months before your PTO is due to expire you should start to consider whether you would like to renew. If you would you should meet with your DRP to discuss your Agreed Expectations and update them if necessary. The safeguarding department will be informed and will let you know if there are any requirements that need to be met. It is important to let Bishop’s House know that you would like to renew as soon as possible. If your current PTO expires before the renewal is complete, it will be necessary to start a fresh application in order to meet safeguarding requirements.

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