News and stories

Open Heaven

Open Heaven is a simple prayer initiative, uniting Christians across the many churches of Coventry, to get out onto the streets of the city during the month of June 2020.

VE Day address by the Bishop of Coventry

The Bishop of Coventry spoke to the people of Coventry and Warwickshire today.  His address was part of a special VE Day Anniversary service that was sent from Coventry Cathedral.

Places of Peace (POP) goes online!

In the wake of the COVID-19 lockdown, recently established youth work project ‘Places of Peace' (POP) has gone online as a virtual youth club to help support young people who are self-isolating during this difficult time.

Faith at Home

The Church of England has launched a new programme to make prayer a household habit once again.

Social needs during coronavirus

How churches and christian organisations are working to alleviate the social impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Coventry and Warwickshire.

Hope Hub at St Laurence's Church

The team at St Laurence's Church have worked together to create an emergency hub based at the Church Hall to support those in need of extra help during COVID-19.

Archbishop launches free dial-in worship phone line

The Archbishop of Canterbury has launched a free national phone line as a simple way to bring worship and prayer into people's homes while church buildings are closed.

City Praise and Prayer is going online

City Praise and Prayer will stream an online service on YouTube on Sunday 3rd May at 6pm.

Tile Hill emergency Food Bank opens

St Andrews Eastern Green, working in cooperation with Coventry City Council and the Trussell Trust have opened an emergency Food Bank in Tile Hill.

Looking out for people in need five doors down

St Francis of Assisi in Coventry has started a new project to encourage the people of North Coventry to look out for others and be good neighbours during the coronavirus pandemic.

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