
Leaning into Lent: Alone and Together


Finding ideas to use can take a lot of time and planning. These are a selection of resources and ideas that are easy to use and adapt for your own context and needs. These ideas can be used personally by you or your household, they can be used in your worship at church, offered out for people to use in their own homes or used as part of a school and community witness in your parish.

Lent and Easter workshop

Wednesday 3rd February. Growing Faith are sharing ideas from around the Diocese of simple, easily adaptable ideas to use or incorporate into your ministry.

Walking the way of the Cross

Community trail, a prayer booklet and activities to be used at home and in church produced by the Growing Faith team.

Book recommendations for Lent

Ideas for personal reading, small groups or books groups.

Group Studies for Lent

Group courses and Bible studies to use during Lent


A small selection of Easter videos that my be useful in online services, email newsletters, social media etc.

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