Guidance Notes

The Church Buildings team have produced a number of guidance notes on a whole variety of subjects that may help you with your enquiry or application. If you are unable to find information on a particular topic do get in touch with the DAC Office for further advice. The documents are all in pdf format which require the free Acrobat Reader.

The Churchcare website also has a number of very useful and informative guidance notes for PCCs which are worth consulting.




A Churchwarden's Guide to the DAC 2021

Access and providing for disabilities in churches

Access for people with disabilities (English Heritage)

Acoustics and Church Music (IBO)

Archaeology (Churchcare)

Archaeology - Science and the Dead (ADPA)

Archaeology and your church

Architect's Specifications

Arson and Malicious Damage (EIG)

Art and stained glass - commissioning new

Art in Churches - Commissioning new works of art (Churchcare)

Asbestos - managing it in buildings (HSE)

Asbestos in churches

Automatic Door Locking (CCT)

Bats and churches

Bats in Churches (Natural England)

Bells and bell equipment

Bells and bellframes (English Heritage)

Brasses and slabs

Burial Law Changes Jan 2015

Candlelit services

Care of brasses and slabs (MBS)



Cleaning tips


Conserving War Memorials (Historic England) *NEW*

Cycle Parking in Churchyards (Churchcare)

Equal Access to Church Buildings (Churchcare) *NEW*

Electrical and Wiring installations (Churchcare)

Filming & Photography in Churches

Fire Guidance (EIG)

Fire Guidance (IFE)

Flooding (EIG)

Flooring Historic (Churchcare)

Glass, repair of

Heating (Churchcare)

Lightning protection for churches (Historic England)

Metals, Theft of (DAC)

Metals, Theft of (EIG)

Metals, Theft of (Historic England)

Metals, Theft of - replacing with terne-coated Stainless Steel (HE)


PAT Testing (HSE)

Plaques and commemorative tablets

Seating (ChurchCare)

Sound Systems

Telecommunications Equipment (Historic England)

Treasures (CBC)

VAT and Church buildings

VAT and churches (House of Commons note 2012)

Vertical ladders (EIG)

Window protection



Churchcare - Guidance and Advice

Historic England - Places of Worship

Church of England - Insurance, health and safety

Church of England - Safety and security in church buildings

Conservation Register - find a conservator

EIG - Church Insurance Made Simple guides

EIG - Church Matters

Historic England - Emergency Response Plans

Maintenance Booker

Caring for God's Acre

CBC Guidance - Connectivity

CBC Guidance - Flags

CBC Guidance - Live streaming worship

CBC Guidance - Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

EIG - Church Tower Beacons

SPAB Briefings - Windows, Doors, Lime etc.

20th Century Churches database

Church Heritage Record

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