Other Vacancies (DBF/TFC)


Fundraiser - Together for Change

21 hours per week (this role can be performed as part of a hybrid or home working arrangement if requested)

£20,349 per annum plus 9% Employer Pension Contributions (£33,916 FTE equivalent).

Location: Coventry Diocesan Offices with travelling across Coventry and Warwickshire as required.

This post is initially for one-year but will be extended as further funding becomes available.

We are looking for someone to assist Together for Change Coventry and Warwickshire (TFC) in transforming the most disadvantaged communities in our Diocese. This will be done in partnership with the Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance (CDBF). The role will involve securing financial resources for TFC, churches and other local community groups to tackle issues of poverty, deprivation and disadvantage. Over the last ten years TFC has grown from one with turnover of just £50k to over £500k, and we are looking to the fundraiser to help sustain our activities and impact at this higher level. 

To see the full job advert, job description and how to apply, click on the links below:

Full job advert

Job description and Person Specification

Application form

Equal Opportunities Form

It is an Occupational Requirement (Schedule 9 part 1 of the Equality Act 2010) of this post to have a committed Christian faith and a passion for enabling churches to transform their communities).

For an informal discussion regarding this role, contact the CEO of Together for Change, Jet Jones, Jet.Jones@coventry.anglican.org, 07958 957320, or Funding and Charity Stewardship Lead John Scouller, John.Scouller@coventry.anglican.org on 07365200374.

Closing date for applications: Noon on Tuesday 8th April 2025

Interview date: Wednesday 16th April 2025

Please send completed applications to: Email: Simone.Smith@Coventry.Anglican.org  or Post: Simone Smith, HR Manager, 7 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX


Saints Central Manager, Nuneaton - Together for Change

35 hours per week. This role will require some evening and weekend working

Salary: £36,750 per annum plus non-contributory Pension Scheme with 9% Employer contributions

This is a fixed term role for 2 years

We are looking for someone who can oversee the operations, facilities and income generation of the Saints Nuneaton building and will help us to achieve our mission purpose. 

Saints Central is ground-breaking in its desire to impact its community and bring about the three-pronged strategy of ‘Enterprise and Equip’, ‘Create and Connect’ and ‘Sport and Support’ (www.saintsnuneaton.org). 

The primary focus of this role is to be part of the leadership team at Saints Nuneaton, which is part of the Charity, ‘Together for Change’ (a partnership between The Church Urban Fund and the Diocese of Coventry).  

To see the full job advert, job description and how to apply, click on the links below:

Full job advert

Job description and Person Specification

Application form

Equal Opportunities Form

It is an Occupational Requirement (Schedule 9 part 1 of the Equality Act 2010) of this post to have a committed Christian faith and a passion for enabling churches to transform their communities.

For an informal discussion regarding this role, please contact Jet Jones (Jet.Jones@Coventry.Anglican.org) or 07958 957320

Closing date for applications: Tuesday 1st April 2025

Interview date: Monday 14 April 2025 at Saints, Nuneaton

Please send completed applications to: Email: Simone.Smith@Coventry.Anglican.org  or Post: Simone Smith, HR Manager, 7 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX


Financial Controller

35 hours per week

Salary: £61,792.50 per annum plus non-contributory Pension Scheme with 8.5% Employer contributions

As the deputy to the Director of Finance, the Financial Controller is a key finance leadership role responsible for the financial integrity of the organisations finances.  Leading on the financial reporting, forecasting and budgeting for the DBF, Coventry Cathedral and Together for Change, this role will ensure compliance with Charity, Company and Ecclesiastical legislation. Leading and guiding a team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Main Activities and Duties 

  1. Reporting, Budgeting, Financial Management, Accounting processes and systems
  • Overall responsibility for the production of the DBF monthly management accounts to budget holders by working day 8. Ensure that monthly reviews with budget holders take place; to monitor financial performance & recommend corrective action to budget holders when needed. Provide training & development opportunities to budget holders.
  • Working with the Director of Finance to prepare  financial reports and commentary for the various  diocesan committees.
  • Preparation of the annual report and financial statements for the DBF. Ensuring compliance with accounting standards & regulations. Liaise with auditors during the external audit ensuring all reports and supporting documentation are available.
  • Develop & manage the annual budget for the DBF; in collaboration with budget holders. Provide financial forecasts & analysis to support strategic decision making.
  • Maintain accurate records of all funds, ensuring proper allocation & usage. Preparation & submission of timely & accurate financial reports to donors & budget holders of these funds. Monitor & report on restricted & unrestricted funds.
  • Lead change management initiatives to improve financial processes & systems. Identify opportunities for process improvement & implement best practices throughout all three organisations. Engage with stakeholders to ensure successful adoption of changes. Monitor & evaluate the impact of changes on financial operations.
  • Implement & maintain robust internal controls. Ensure compliance with financial policies & procedures. Conduct regular reviews and audits of financial processes.
  • Oversee the calculation, collection & reporting of Parish Share contributions. Ensure accurate & transparent reporting for the Deanery Share allocations. Communicate with parishes to provide guidance & support on Parish Share matters.
  1. Leadership
  • To provide leadership and clear direction to the team ensuring appraisals with SMART objectives that form the basis of regular monthly meetings reviewing individual and team performance. 
  • Working closely with the Director of Finance providing regular updates on the finances of each of organisations that the finance team supports.
  • To attend training courses and events to maintain the professional accountancy qualification and competency to ensure that the post holder is aware of best practice and upcoming developments affecting the DBF, Cathedral and TFC.
  • Developing relationships with budget holders to understand the drivers for expenditure, proactively providing advice and guidance to build commercial awareness.
  • Providing advice and support to parishes on basic queries relating to finance and charity reporting matters.  Using the data available in the department from Parish Finance returns and accounts to understand the impact of the financial health of the parishes on the DBF.
  • To deputise for the Director of Finance

Job description and Person Specification

Application form

Equal Opportunities Form

For an informal discussion regarding this role, please contact Karen Birch (Karen.Birch@coventry.anglican.org)

Closing date for applications: Monday 31 March 2025 

Interview date: Thursday 10 April, St Michael's House, CV1 5EX

Please send completed applications to: Email: Debbie.Niblett@Coventry.Anglican.org  or Post: Debbie Niblett, HR Officer, 7 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX


Youth Worker - Together for Change

7 hours per week

£5,460 per annum (£27,300 F/T equivalent), plus employer pension contributions at 9%.

The post is supported by grant funding for 2 years; therefore, this is a 2-year fixed term post, however it may be extended if further funding becomes available.

The Role of Youth Worker  

This post holder will work at our Saints Central location in Nuneaton, whilst also partnering with the local college and parish church, to bring about positive community transformation that benefits young people between the ages of 11-18. 

Saints Central launched the busy and well-established Saints Student Lounge program in 2021 to support young people between the ages of 11-18 with access to a safe place to receive assisted study, eat and engage in fun educational workshops. 

We will expand our Student Lounge by partnering with a local college to connect with the young people during term-time and aim to meet young people who are currently not met by the local church by partnering with the local parish church, St Nicholas, during the term-time and the school holidays.  

To find out more about this exciting project and the role of Youth Worker, please click on the links below:

Full Job Advert

Job description and Person Specification

Application form

Equal Opportunities Form

For an informal discussion regarding this role, please contact Jet Jones (jet.jones@coventry.anglican.org)

Please send completed applications to: Email: Simone.Smith@Coventry.Anglican.org  or Post: Simone Smith, HR Manager, 7 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX


School Chaplain - Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College, Coventry

Permanent term time only + 5 days.

Salary: £24,552 - £29,563

About the role

We are seeking to appoint a passionate School Chaplain who is committed to providing the very best outcomes for all of our students. You will be passionate about the role Chaplaincy.

We are looking for someone who:

· Has a clear understanding of their role within our school

· Knowledge and understanding of the school’s role in providing effectively for the individual needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs

All staff are expected to know what to do if they have concerns about a child, take on the responsibility for providing a safe environment and promoting children’s welfare, undertake regular safeguarding and child protection training and, familiarise themselves with KCSIE part 1 and local policies and procedures as directed by the trust/academy.

About us

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College is a successful and oversubscribed large secondary school in the heart of the city of Coventry with a vision ‘Living life in all its fullness’. As a Church of England school, our intake draws from both the local area and across the city and surrounding areas. We are a member of Inspire Education Trust, a Coventry based multi-academy trust which sets out to provide an environment where both staff and students can thrive, and putting children at the heart of everything we do.

Why work for us?

A career at Inspire Education Trust offers a rewarding future, with the opportunity to make a real impact on the lives and outcomes of our young people. We work hard to provide an environment which places staff wellbeing at the forefront of the agenda, as well as providing ample opportunities for personal and professional development.

As such, we offer a portfolio of benefits designed to enhance and support the working lives of our staff. These include, but are not limited to:

• A highly supportive and committed senior leadership team

• Employee Assistance Programme which offers 24/7 confidential advice and support on a range of matters and free access to accredited counsellors

• A focus on staff wellbeing including a network of wellbeing champions and a supportive working environment

• Opportunity to join a committed and forward-thinking team of staff

• Employee Benefits platform providing staff access to a range of benefits such as shopping discounts

For information and to apply, see here School Chaplain, Coventry - Tes Jobs

Job description and Person Specification

How to apply:

All applications must be received electronically via our TES page: https://www.tes.com/jobs/employer/blue-coat-school-and-music-college-1000375

If you have any queries about the post, please email connor.gerrard@ietrsut.org

Closing date: Friday 25th April 2025

Interview date: Thursday 8th May 2025


Children, Youth and Families' Minister  - St Christopher's Church, Allesley Park, Coventry

37.5 hours per week (To include some evening/ weekend working).

£25,000 - £27,000 depending on qualifications and experience

Fixed term contract of 3 years, with potential for further extension of this project.

Children, Youth and Families’ (CYF) minister required who will be able to shape and create vibrant and outward-looking CYF work. Building on existing CYF ministry and strong relationships with our local Church of England Academy, your role would be to grow and extend this work and help build God’s kingdom. We’re looking for an entrepreneurial, creative, missional-minded leader and communicator who can think strategically and has a passion for children’s and youth work.

For information, see here https://stchristopher.org.uk/vacancies.php

Job description and Person Specification

For informal inquiries, contact Rev Andy March 07578746942

Closing date for applications: - Monday 28th April.

To apply send a CV and a covering letter to revandymarch@gmail.com demonstrating how you meet the person specification and explaining why you feel a sense of God’s call to this role.


Growing Faith Leader - St Laurence's Church, Foleshill

35 hours per week (May include some evening/ weekend working).

£25,662-£26,754 with an employers’ pension contribution of between 4-9% (depending on chosen salary/pension scheme combination)

We have an exciting and challenging opportunity for someone who is passionate about nurturing faith and spirituality in Children and Families. Working across the diverse Foleshill and Longford areas, the Growing Faith Leader will work across a number of churches and schools; facilitating engaging times of worship and exciting events, gathering and organising volunteers, and building relationships with young people and their families.

Foleshill and Longford are areas with a lot of challenges with some of the highest levels of depravation in North Coventry. However, there are good existing relationships between the churches and a number of local schools, as well as some thriving children and families ministries. The Growing Faith Leader will invest further in these existing relationships and develop the exciting work that is already happening, in addition to identifying further missional opportunities and establishing new projects.

We are looking for someone who is passionate and creative; who will be able to plan their work and engage others to work alongside them. They will also be working alongside a dynamic team of local clergy and lay leaders who will provide support and guidance.

Job description and Person Specification

If you’d like any informal conversations about the role, please contact our Associate Minister Rev Kate Pellereau: kate@stlaurences.org or 07791065627. You can read more about the St Laurence’s Mission hub here.

If you’d like conversations about Growing Faith and how the Diocese of Coventry is supporting roles like this one, please contact James Henney – Growing Faith Enabler: James.Henney@coventry.anglican.org or 07494758880.

Closing date for applications: Friday 25th April 2025 at 5pm

Interview dates to follow

Please send completed applications to:Email: Stevey.Cubitt@coventry.anglican.org or Post: Stevey Cubitt, Cathedral & Diocesan Offices, 1 Hill Top, Coventry CV1 5AB.


Growing Faith Families Worker - Radford, St Francis of Assisi

£10,500 per annum (25,900 pro rata) - 15 hours per week 

This is a fixed term contract of 2 years and 8 months

St Francis warmly invites you to join the exciting adventure of Growing Faith in our community. With you, we want to embark on the journey to help all of us to include and value children, young people and households in every aspect of church as second nature. 

Reaching out and growing the faith of our children, families and young people in the parish is one of our top priorities. St Francis was in interregnum for nearly three years before a new vicar was appointed in 2023. Provisions for children, families and young people had stopped with the arrival of Covid and currently there is no family, youth and children provision except for the all-age service once a month. Despite the lack of provisions, we have a number of faithful families, and we have between 10 to 25 children in our congregation weekly. We are keen to restart Sunday school and other activities alongside our newfound volunteers, so to grow the faith and discipleship of our families, youth and children of our parish. Together, we would love to strengthen the links with our local schools and partners, taking advantage of the existing St Francis networks and making new networks and connections.

Our vision is to grow faith by: 

•   setting a firm foundation with a culture that recognises and welcomes the capacity of children, young people and families 
•   connecting with children, young people and families through church, households and schools 
•   equipping and enabling them to thrive in their faith and discipleship 

To meet this vision, you would work closely with the leadership team to: 

•   identify, develop, implement and reflect on projects and initiatives that enable children and young people to have a life-enhancing encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ.
•   influence and grow our plans to grow faith and discipleship in children, young people, and church families. 
•   foster an intergenerational team culture around our shared vision and values. 

You would help the church transform its social ethos, culture and rhythm, in order to build up sustainable and faith-giving activities, relationships and ministries. 

Click here to see the full job description

How to Apply:
Applications addressed to Revd Aggy Palairet must be submitted by email to vicar@stfcov.org. These must include the Application Form, Equal Opportunities form and the Confidential Declaration Form. All forms can be downloaded from: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/12941/page/85444/view/ 


Youth Worker Risen Christ Church, Wyken

Part time 12 month fixed contract - Maternity Cover 

We’re hiring for a Youth Worker (maternity cover) to continue driving our youth work forwards. If you’re passionate about youth in the local community and have a year to invest then check out the job description and get in touch! 

Working requirements

  • 18.5 hours per week: thepost-holder will agree a weekly working schedule with their Line Manager, in line with ministry requirements. As further ministries develop, working hours will include regular evenings and flexible adjustment of hours to support school holiday camps etc
  • The post-holder must be available to work at a selection of key events at Risen Christ Church, for example, Christmas services, Easter services and Annual Parochial Church meetings when required 
  • Salary £13,482.
  • Annual leave: 25 days (12.5 pro-rata) 
    • plus bank holidays (pro-rata)
    • plus three additional days between Christmas & New Year
    • plus two retreat days across the year 

Probationary period of 6 months

This is a maternity cover post with a 12 month fixed contract. 

Click here to download the job description

To apply please submit your CV and a covering letter to paul.pavlou@risen-christ.org.uk that states what draws you to this role. Please tell us how you feel that - drawing on your skills and experiences - you can significantly impact the organisation so that we can see significant growth and transformation in the lives of the youth in Wyken. 


Youth Worker - Bedworth Parish

All Saints Church, St Giles Church and St James Church, Bedworth is looking for a full-time youth worker, who is passionate about youth and passionate in faith. We are currently hosting multiple evening youth clubs, working in schools and are working towards starting a youth Alpha course. We have established good relations with multiple local primary schools and secondary schools, working with youth from year 6 and upwards (ages 11-19). You will be working with a team of youth workers supporting youth in the local community, leading (if you wish to explore leadership) or supporting services, and providing safe places for youth to grow and explore their faith.

Working requirements

  • GCSEs in Maths and English, or equivalent.  
  • 37 hours per week for full time, part-time schedule can be discussed with line-manger, most youth clubs are held after school hours. The post-holder must also be available to work on Sundays.
  • Salary Part-time £12.89 per hour. Full-time £28,000 - £30,000 plus an employer pension contribution of 5% for both positions.
  • This employment position will be automatically enrolled into the National Employment Savings Trust pension scheme (3% employer contribution, 5% employee contribution), which can be opted out of upon employment.
  • Annual Leave – 30 days pro-rata, plus bank holidays, including a maximum of 5 Sundays. 
  • Occasional evening/weekends for events, with time off in lieu allowed for these
  • Location, Bedworth (across multiple churches, depending on applicant)
  • Probationary period of 6 months.

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to josh@bedworthparish.org . Full Job Description can be emailed upon request. Do contact if you want further information or would like to visit our churches before or after applying.


Missional Family Worker

Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton

Hours Per Week: up to 16, including some evening and weekend work

Salary up to £13,300 gross per annum

If you have a passion for working with children and their families and introducing them to Jesus maybe this is the job for you!

This is an exciting opportunity to come and join us here at Holy Trinity, Attleborough as our new Missional Family Worker. We are a church passionate about seeing children and adults grow in faith and see the difference Jesus can make in their lives, but we have to reach them first. We want to see children and their families meeting Jesus and being transformed by him.  This is a pioneer post, but we’d also love you to work with the families already linked with church and help them to become disciples too.

Our vision is to Connect people to each other and to Jesus
Feel free to call for a chat or for more information on 02476 736002 and email htavicar1@gmail.com should you have any questions. You can find an application form and job description on our website or use the link below.





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