If you are looking for a spiritual companion in the Coventry Diocese, please contact Sr Ann OSullivan on anncatherineosullivan@gmail.com, stating your name and telephone number with appropriate times to reach you by phone.
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If you are looking for a spiritual companion in the Coventry Diocese, please contact Sr Ann OSullivan on anncatherineosullivan@gmail.com, stating your name and telephone number with appropriate times to reach you by phone.
The term "spiritual accompaniment" is the traditional term for those who accompany, support and encourage others in the faith journey.
A coming together in fortnightly sessions to renew our life in Christ and grow in intimacy with God and each other.
Equipping and encouraging those leading prayer spaces & quiet days.
The call to "go deeper" can be responded to in many ways, and one of the more courageous and absorbing responses is, with a spiritual guide alongside, to embark on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.
The discipline of a Rule of Life, freely chosen, can help us in our relationship with God, with ourselves and with others and be an important anchor in our Christian life and discipleship.
A one-year course for those wishing to train as spiritual companions (directors)
What is expected of every spiritual director in the Diocese of Coventry network.