Early retirement due to ill health

Early retirement due to ill health is something for which few people plan. If you find yourself facing this situation your time and energy will probably be directed elsewhere, but you will need to consider questions about your pension and housing. It is important to act on these issues, as they could have a significant impact on your life in retirement, and, if you are married or in a civil partnership, that of your spouse.

It may be appropriate to seek professional financial or legal advice; in any case you are strongly advised to discuss your situation with a qualified pensions advisor.

If you do not own a property the national church’s Retirement Housing Team may be able to help you find suitable accommodation.

If you would like to discuss any pastoral aspect of early retirement, please contact the Acting Archdeacon Pastor.

Post retirement

Once you have retired you may find that your needs are different from those who retired aged 70.

The Acting Archdeacon Pastor will plan to visit you within a few months of your retirement, to discuss amongst other things your ongoing pastoral care. You may wish to make contact with your local Bishop’s Officer for retired clergy and spouses (BORCAS). Alternatively it might be more appropriate to discuss your situation with your parish priest, a member of Bishop’s Core Staff, or the diocesan counsellor - or a mixture of all three. If you have any questions, or would value a conversation sooner, please contact the Acting Archdeacon Pastor.

You may find in time that you are willing and able to continue exercising some form of ministry in retirement. If this is the case the Acting Archdeacon Pastor (or if you have moved to another diocese the Archdeacon in whose area you now live) would be happy to discuss this with you.

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