Pastoral support in retirement

The retired clergy of the Diocese are greatly valued by the Bishop, and she desires that they are honoured for their past and present ministry, provided with good pastoral care, and enabled to develop a ministry in the diocese consistent with their own sense of calling and the needs of the diocese. To do this the Bishop has appointed “Bishop’s Officers for Retired Clergy and Spouses” (BORCAS) who are directly responsible to her.

The Bishop’s Officers seek to establish and maintain contact with all retired clergy and their spouses, partners, and widow/ers. This may include arranging pastoral visits where appropriate and agreed with the individual.

The officers work closely together to ensure the whole diocese is covered, they also work closely with the Acting Archdeacon Pastor. Please feel free to contact any of them whether for a chat or to discuss technical or pastoral matters.

The Bishop's Officers can also point you to a list of charities that provide funds for retired clergy in need. Details of some of those funds can be found under Financial harship support. Age UK (formerly Age Concern) can provide information on secular funds, and advise you about benefits you may be entitled to receive.

BORCAS Officers

Alcester Deanery

Fosse and Shipston Deaneries

Kenilworth, and Warwick and Leamington Deaneries

Rugby and Southam Deaneries

For Coventry and Nuneaton deaneries please contact the Rev'd Canon Martin Saxby.

Keeping in Touch

Privacy is important and we want to communicate with you in a way which has your consent, and which is in line with UK law. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules require us to have permission to hold personal data and to contact people. These rules regrettably mean that we do not always get to hear of retired clergy in the diocese. If anyone feels that we may not be aware of them they should contact Martin Saxby.

There is a GDPR consent form that retired clergy and others need to complete. This may be sent to retired clergy when they apply for PTO or move into the diocese.

  • Click here for a consent form for retired clergy
  • Click here for a consent form for widows or widowers of retired clergy

Forms are also available from Martin Saxby, to whom all forms should be returned.

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