The Covid-19 pandemic has changed some safeguarding risks, behaviours and practices. The Church of England and the Diocesan Safeguarding Team have issued new guidance for the duration of the pandemic.
Church of England guidance
The Church of England National Safeguarding Team has provided an update regarding COVID-19 – this can be accessed here.
The Church of England has produced guidance for dioceses and churches for the safe use of video-calling with young people.
The Church of England National Safeguarding Team has produced helpful advice regarding Domestic Abuse and COVID-19.
'Think Safeguarding – Reach Out, Recognise, Record and Report' is a new piece of advice from the National Safeguarding Team.
Diocese specific guidance and information
As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, the following safeguarding guidance has been issued:
- Update from the National Safeguarding Team regarding Covid 19
- Coventry Diocese Covid-19 safeguarding update and guidance
- Covid 19 Safeguarding Record
- DBS guidance for volunteering during Covid-19
- Advice for Parishes in relation to domestic abuse during COVID 19
- Positive parenting during Covid 19
- Covid-19 Safeguarding guidance on social media and online activities for young people
- Safeguarding Leaflet 2020
- Adult wellbeing and mental health signposting information during Covid-19