Loan equipment
If you would like to assess heat loss and temperature/humidity cycles in a church or other building, you can borrow equipment from the NZC Project Officer. We have thermo/hygrometers and thermal imaging cameras. They link to most Smart phones and downloading data or images is relatively simple.
Download this loan kit flyer for more details.
These devices measure the humidity and temperature of a space. By placing them in areas where the humidity is critical, such as organ lofts or near fabric materials (e.g., vestments), it can help you to understand vulnerable areas and cold or warmer spots.
This information will help you gauge how effective your heating system is.
Thermal Imaging Cameras
These devices allow you to take photos of a building and understand where heat is being lost from but also how much heat is being lost from an area.
For example, the image below, of the Diocesan Offices, illustrates how much heat is being lost through the windows. It shows a range whereby the lighter the colour, the more heat is being lost through that surface. Dark colours illustrate cold areas.
These images can also help show if radiators are emitting heat across their surface.
If you would like to borrow a thermal-imaging camera or hygrometer, contact the Net Zero Project Officer, Colin Angus.