Welcome to the Diocese of Coventry Race Equality web page. In this section you will be able to look at a variety of online resources aimed at supporting your understanding around the issues surrounding Race & Equality. One of our focused themes at the Diocese of Coventry is about Reconciliation following the Second World War bombing campaign which destroyed much of central Coventry, hundreds of its people and left the Cathedral in ruins. Reconciliation has a major part to play as the Church of England reflects on the finding of the The Lament to Action report from the Archbishops' Anti-Racism Taskforce in April 2021. Racism has no place in the Christian faith as we aim ‘to love our neighbor as yourself’ Matthew 12:31.
The role of Neil Masih as an Intercultural Mission Enabler in Coventry Diocese is to support clergy and laity in recognizing that all our welcome in the Church of England to worship and praise Jesus Christ. We need to work with our differences based on our journey to faith, build on our cultural experiences and unite in our Christian faith so that we can reflect on ‘…a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb’ Revelation 7:9