Know more about the DEG


Our Commitment to Creation Care

Eco Church

Operation Noah





Our Commitment to Creation Care

The DEG views its commitment to the environment as rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ; this was expressed in Paul’s letter to the Colossians (Col., 1: 15-20), where he relates the role of Christ in the creation of all things and in reconciling to himself all things “… by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross”. Through his incarnation, Jesus shows that God is committed to his created world and to us and therefore we should be committed to his world too. Learn more about this by signing on for the Bishop's Certificate in Discipleship and Mission Module on Creation Care when this is next offered at

The DEG promotes its message, rooted in the gospel, through meetings such as 'Eco Church and Cherishing Churchyards' (see DEG News page) and through presentations at Deanery Synods, PCCs and in church services and meetings. To find out more about this, please contact the Chair of the DEG

Eco Church

The main initiative the DEG supports is Eco Church, an A Rocha UK award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s Earth. Eco Church was launched in the Coventry Diocese on the 23rd February 2016 at St Peter’s Church in Wellesbourne. Visit our own webpage on Eco Church for further details of the project and our progress in the Diocese. The Diocese became a Bronze Award Eco Diocese in 2019. We are aiming to become a Silver Eco Diocese by 2026.

Operation Noah

Operation Noah is an ecumenical Christian charity providing leadership, focus and inspiration in response to the growing threat of catastrophic climate change; we have been developing a working relationship with Operation Noah to promote disinvestment and to promote investment in processes that increase carbon capture. Look at the website for further details. Please consider supporting Operation Noah, either individually or as a parish; this could be an expression of your 'Community and Global Engagement' as part of the Eco Church scheme. 


The Diocese no longer holds any investments in fossil fuels, and should it wish to reinvest, it would have to get this past Diocesan Synod. For more information on Divestment, please visit the Bright Now website:



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