Stipendiary clergy
All stipendiary office holders are required to report any sickness absence amounting to one day or longer.
This is because the Church Commissions - who are the 'employer' for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) purposes - are required to record this information.
Please notify Simon Taylor, Assistant to the Archdeacons, at:
- or
- 07376 981284
For any illness that lasts more than one week, a medical certificate is required from your doctor. This applies to all office holders, including those stipendiary office holders not subject to Common Tenure.
Simon will send a copy to the Church Commissioners and will also let the Acting Archdeacon Pastor know.
Non-stipendiary clergy
The reporting of sickness for non-stipendiary clergy is not mandatory. Nevertheless, the Archdeacons' team would be grateful to be alerted if you are unwell. Please contact Simon Taylor as above.