Registering Candidates

Registering Candidates for Confirmation

If a date for a confirmation in your deanery or parish has been set, or you are submitting candidates for a service at the Cathedral, please use the following instructions to register candidates.

  1. Complete a Confirmation Return Form listing all the candidates for confirmation in the appropriate box. If there will be candidates from multiple parishes, each parish should submit forms separately. The form requires a signature to confirm that candidates have been baptised. If you are presenting a candidate who is to be baptised within the confirmation service please indicate this with an asterisk (*) next to the name. Please note that these forms are mandatory for sponsoring clergy, and will be kept for the Diocese's records.
  2. Distribute candidate Biography Forms to candidates. There are two forms; one for adults and one for young people. These should be filled in by candidates to allow the Bishop to learn a little about them. Please note that these forms are optional for candidates, and if submitted, will be destroyed after the service.
  3. At the time of organising a date for the service, a deadline will also be set for the submitting of these forms. This will often be about a week before the service, although larger services may have an earlier deadline in order to get a clear idea of numbers.
  4. Submit these forms to the office of the confirming Bishop (by post or email) using the details below.
  • Bishop of Coventry, The Bishop's House, 23 Davenport Road, Coventry, CV5 6PW
  • Email:

Future Confirmation Services

Diocesan Confirmations(All at the Cathedral, unless otherwise stated)

  • A Service of Confirmation at Pentecost, Sunday 8th June - Time: TBC [Bishop: TBC]
    • A rehearsal will take place and candidates are requested to arrive for the rehearsal starting at 2.00 p.m.
  • Confirmation on the Feast of Christ the King, Saturday 29th November - Time: TBC [Bishop Sophie Jelley]
    • A rehearsal will take place and candidates are requested to arrive for the rehearsal starting at 2.00 p.m.

In each case, there will be an earlier rehearsal followed by tea with the Bishop - unless notified otherwise. Please keep an eye out for any update on timings.

Due to larger numbers, Diocesan confirmation services are likely to have more than one confirming Bishop.  Please note that if there any candidates for Baptism at the Cathedral, the Cathedral's Application for Baptism form should be completed.

Deanery Confirmations

Information on deanery confirmations will be posted here as it arises. Candidates from any parish in the Diocese can be presented at deanery confirmation services.

  • Saturday 19th April - St. Andrew's, Rugby - 8.30 p.m. [Bishop Edward Condry]
  • Sunday 18th May - St. Matthew's, Salford Priors - 4.00 p.m. [Bishop Jonathan Meyrick]

Parochial Confirmations

Candiates from other parishes may be presented at parochial confirmations with the agreement of the incumbent

  • Future dates/times - TBC
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