Papers and Booklets

Confirmation in the Missionary Practice in the Diocese of Coventry

At the Chrism Eucharist on Maundy Thursday 2014, Bishop Christopher distributed copies of his paper Confirmation in the Missionary Practice of the Diocese of Coventry. The paper's purpose is to:

  1. stimulate theological thinking across the Diocese on confirmation and its relation to initiation and participation in the fullness of Christian life
  2. challenge every parish, benefice and other Christian community in the diocese to ensure that confirmation is fully integrated into its mission strategy
  3. encourage every parish, benefice and other Christian community in the diocese to develop accessible processes of evangelism and initiation into the full involvement in the life and witness of the Church

The paper would be useful for anybody who takes a role in preparing candidates for confirmation, or would like to engage with the practice of confirmation more generally. It can be found here.

Bishop Christopher's paper mentions that there were 58% fewer confirmation candidates in 2013 than in 2000. The age group showing the most decline was those aged 12-15. For more information on confirmation statistics, click here.

On the Way: From Speaking to Acting

On the Way was published during Trinity 2010, and acts as an update to Signposts for the Future. It explains the reorganisation of the Diocesan structures which had begun, and shows how they have attempted to strengthen the mutually supportive relationships that are at the heart of the mission and ministry of the diocese. In all of this, the people of the diocese are carrying on the way marked out in our mission statement, to worship God, make disciples, and transform communities. 

The full document can be found here.

Signposts for the Future: From Listening to Speaking

Signposts for the Future was distributed at Pentecost in 2009, as a way for Bishop Christopher to share his thoughts on the mission and ministry of the diocese after his first seven months in post. It speaks of the ways he believes God is working in the diocese, and the journeys which he thought God was leading his people on. 

The full document can be found here.

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