Grants and Sabbaticals

It is our hope that, as ministers grow and develop in their ministry and discipleship, they will identify the training and development opportunities they need. The grants we offer are intended to enable clergy and readers to make the most of these opportunities. All grants are discretionary, but please do apply and we will always seek to support you in this way if we can.

Clergy and Reader CMD Grant

The Diocese wants to encourage all its licensed ministers to continue learning and personal development throughout their ministry. This grant is offered to help you to do just that. CMD grants can be used to develop ministry skills, to deepen faith and to nourish spirituality. If there is something that will support your development as a Christian minister, please ask.

Discretionary grants:

Clergy who have been ordained 7 years or less and Licensed Lay Ministers - up to £150 per calendar year.

Clergy who have been ordained 8 or more years - up to £250 per calendar year. 

CMD Grant form

Retreat Grant

All Clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers are encouraged to take a retreat at least once a year (in addition to their annual leave) to to take time out from ordinary life and spend time with God . The Diocese offers a discretionary retreat grant of up to £120 per calendar year for each licensed minister. This is in addition to the CMD grant, and is focused on time set aside for personal and spiritual renewal and refreshment. Retreat grants are not offered to cover conferences or courses.

For more information and to download a retreat form please visit Retreats.

Academic Study Grant

A discretionary grant of £250 may be applied for per calendar year for ongoing academic study. An additional £80 may also be claimed towards books related to your course of study (you will need to email receipts). If you are undertaking a course of academic study, but are only requesting the book grant, please complete the grant form regardless, so that we have a record of your course.

These grants are only available to licensed clergy. 

For 2024 we are considering a different approach to academic study grants, which would make a more substantial grant to successful applicants.

Academic Study Grant form


'Sabbatical' is rooted in the ancient Israelite intention to let farmland lie fallow for one year in every seven. This instruction was not only good practice for agriculture, it articulated the deeper concept of 'Sabbath', that timely rest, refreshment and recreation are, in themselves, godly.

Licensed clergy can apply for a sabbatical every seven years. Individual applications are discussed with the Director of Ministry and Leadership before being passed to the Bishop for consideration.

The Diocese offers discretionary sabbatical grants of up to £700 to full time stipendiary clergy.

Policies and procedures about sabbaticals are available below.

Sabbatical Procedures

Sabbatical Application and Grant Application 

You may also wish to apply for a Ministry Bursary Award from Ecclesiastical for your sabbatical.  Full details can be found here.


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