Here are a number of opportunities for reconciliation in our diocese.
Equip Hub
The Equip Hub, the diocese's learning and training portal, provides access to events, courses and resources relating to reconciliation, peace building and relationship building.
Type ‘reconciliation’ in the search box and a list of current events and resources will appear.
Reconciliation Pathway
The Reconciliation Pathway is a year-round programme of learning, training and formation that can be joined at any part of the year.
Aimed primarily at church members who are seeking to be actively involved in reconciliation, peace building and relationship building, the pathway explores reconciliation from a variety of perspectives. Clergy are also welcome to join the courses and training events that make up the Pathway, both for their own development and with other members of their community.
This Pathway does not include training for specific roles, such as a trained mediator or counsellor. View the programme here. You are welcome to attend any individual course or training event. To gain access to the full Pathway programme, you need to get a recommendation from your vicar/rector/priest-in-charge.
The ‘Difference’ resource
The ‘Difference’ course can help increase your capacity to listen deeply and share your experience and values authentically. Through a series of stories and interactive exercises, space is given to reflect and practise deep listening and authentic sharing.
There are different versions of ‘Difference’ designed for a variety of contexts:
- Churches and Groups
- Prison Chaplaincy
- Secondary Schools
- Youth Groups
- Primary Schools - in a pilot phase, you can sign up for updates here.
For Churches, groups and chaplaincy courses are often run by volunteers (clergy and lay). After completing some short videos and a few articles on the online training dashboard in your own time, you are able to access the resources. You can take a look by creating an account - completing the training – and then download for free. If you just want a quick look at the general overview, go here.
For young people in groups and schools, you can register for a live zoom session here.
Cathedral Reconciliation Ministry
Coventry Cathedral facilitates an international network of peacebuilders and reconcilers, enabling people to be peacemakers and reconcilers in their contexts and communities as well as learning from them
- An international and multi denominational network of peacebuilders through the Community of the Cross of Nails (CCN)
- A network of schools in the UK and internationally engaging in a culture of peace, through the International Cross of Nails Schools (ICONS)
Conflict Transformation Group (CTG)
The Conflict Transformation Group is a collective of lay and clergy volunteers who support parishes and communities where help is needed in responding to conflict. Members of the CTG work together with people in parishes and those in relationship with the parish to find solutions to different issues. You can find out more here.
Get in touch
If you would like to explore further or you have any questions, we invite you to get in touch with our Diocesan Reconciliation Enabler, Emma Crick de Boom.
Reconciliation Enabler of the Diocese of Coventry: Emma Crick de Boom
Working with the Reconciliation Leaders Network (RLN), Emma mobilises, envisions and empowers churches and individuals in the Diocese of Coventry and across the West Midlands to engage with a Reconciliation charism as part of mission and ministry.
In the Diocese of Coventry, and drawing on the experience of the Cathedral, Emma builds upon the use of the 'Difference' course to embed and better activate the Diocese’s commitment to the gospel of reconciliation. She also enables churches, schools, chaplaincies, and individuals to be ‘Partners together in the Message and Ministry of Reconciliation’ throughout the Whole Diocese.