Prayer Diary

We aim to publish the diocesan Prayer Diary on the 20th day of each month

There are four components to the Prayer Diary.

Monthly Theme – mirroring themes from the renewed Vision and Strategic Framework for the Diocese or season of the year.  This will include content offering information and guidance to stimulate prayer.  It is a prayer focus for the Friday of each week.

Diary (as a calendar) – including churches, schools, the Cathedral, chaplaincies, along with some key meetings/groups.  This is what keeps it local and integrates with a wider context for prayer.

Details – specific requests for prayer, which I hope will reflect current and pressing concerns linked with the Diary page; generally coming from parish clergy, but we will try to include other requests, including the process to fill the Vacancy in See during 2024.

Jottings – a page of guidance, news and resources mirroring the theme for the month, and highlighting forthcoming editions, with the idea to deepen our prayer life collectively.  This included suggestions on leading intercessions (January 2024), could share invitations to prayer gatherings, and other things you would like to be included.

I’d be very interested to take your suggestions on sources, favourite quotes on prayer, as well as thoughts on the new structure/content.  I hope that the design elements can be developed further during the coming months, too.

Revd Clive Hicks, Healthy Churches Development Enabler

November 2024

Prayer Diary - November - focus on Coventry North Deanery and Generous Giving

October 2024
Prayer Diary - October - focus on Coventry East Deanery and Loving One Another (Diversity in many forms)

September 2024

Prayer Diary - September  - focus on Warwick & Leamington Deanery and Growing Faith (children, young people and households)

August 2024

Prayer Diary - August

July 2024

Prayer Diary - July

June 2024

Prayer Diary - June

May 2024

Prayer Diary - May

April 2024

Prayer Diary - April 

March 2024

Prayer Diary - March

February 2024

Prayer Diary - February

January 2024

Prayer Diary - January  this month the focus is on the Diocese as a whole, with Deanery focus returning in February 2024; there is also initial guidance for a simple 'prayer jar' for personal or church use, and details of a limited number of free 'Try Praying' booklets. 

Leading Intercessions - NEW for 2024  suggestions and checklists for any leading intercessions in church

December 2023 Prayer Diary - December

November 2023 Prayer Diary November

October 2023 Prayer Diary October Living Generously Booklet (2022)

September 2023 Prayer Diary September

August 2023 Prayer Diary August (special focus on new Deacons and Priests + New Worshipping Communities)

July 2023 Prayer Diary July

June 2023 Prayer Diary June

The Vision for Alive 2023 Special Prayer Focus - the fabulous Diocesan Board of Educations' Praise Parties on 15/16 June 2023

May 2023 Prayer Diary May

April 2023 Prayer Diary April

March 2023 Prayer Diary March

February 2023 Prayer Diary February

January 2023 Graeme Pringle writes:

"When I first started my diocesan communications role in 2011, my first task was to refresh the diocesan Prayer Diary.  The format of the Prayer Diary has remained unchanged for eleven years, and I'm very grateful to Anna Laycock who has faithfully compiled it every month for more than half of that time.

I'm also grateful to Clive Hicks who has kindly agreed to take over the Prayer Diary.  No doubt Clive will want to refresh the format, and I look forward to seeing his first edition in February.

In the meantime, the December and January editions are somewhat shorter while Clive prepares for February."

Booket version

Consecutive version

December 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

November 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

October 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

September 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

August 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

July 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

June 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

May 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

April 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

March 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

February 2022

Booklet version

Consecutive version

January 2022 

Booklet version

Consecutive version

December 2021 

Booklet version

Consecutive version

November 2021

Booklet version

Consecutive version


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