Take Heart

Take Heart is a new project that everyone can get involved with. Created by Suzanne Dugmore, Take Heart started with the simple act of making a heart, attaching a Bible verse of hope and then giving it away.

The dictionary definition of Take Heart is “to be courageous; to regain one's courage -Take heart, help will arrive shortly and everything will be fine” (Your Dictionary). Take Heart is also used in the Bible a number of times, in the Psalms, Ezra, Matthew, Mark and others. John 16:33 says, “I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world”.

Take Heart is about promoting the Christian message of God’s unconditional love for us. Take Heart taps into the very basic human need to know that we are loved and worthy of love regardless of our circumstance, looks, gender, disability or anything else.

This year has been a difficult year for many as our lives have been turned upside down due to Covid 19. But we can take heart as Jesus is our saviour and our hope. Through the Take Heart project we can share that message.

We can share the message by using our creativity by making hearts, attaching Bible verses of hope and giving them away. This is something we can do in our own homes whilst being part of a community with a purpose. Having a sense of purpose and practising creativity is also good for our own mental health.

Suzanne Dugmore says;

“From an idea hatched in Devon in 2013, it is exciting to see ‘Take Heart’ being used in Coventry Diocese. A simple idea which benefits us as individuals and communities, but also scatters seeds of God’s hope and love into a hurting and confused world in a very gentle way.”

Find out more about the project and access resources and ideas on our Take Heart page on the website.


First published on: 9th September 2020
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