Summer Singing 2021

Summer Singing is the title of a series of worship services that the diocese will be streaming on each of the five Sunday mornings in August.

All the services will start at 10:00 am.

They will be led by a layperson, with a sermon provided by a member of the Bishop's staff team. 

These worship services will be streamed on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

The non-eucharistic services will reflect the various traditions and contexts across the diocese. Further details will be published on the Summer Singing 2021 - Resources page of this website.

Churches that want to engage with one or more of these services can do so in three different ways:

  • By simply pointing people to the diocesan service
  • By pointing people to the diocesan service and then hosting your own Zoom coffee afterwards
  • By incorporating the sermon provided into your own service (a downloadable link to the service will be sent to Clergy, Readers and Churchwardens the week before the service).

Sunday 1 August


First published on: 16th July 2021
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