A prayer and thanksgiving service for Living in Love and Faith will take place on the 24th September at St Andrew’s Church, Rugby.
Commissioned by the House of Bishops and led by the Bishop of Coventry, the Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth, the Living in Love and Faith project aims to help the whole Church to learn how relationships, marriage and sexuality fit within the bigger picture of a humanity created in the image of God.
If you have been part of the LLF process, either by facilitating or participating in a course, you already know that it has been quite the journey. It has required an investment to be open to listening to others and sharing ourselves authentically which sometimes can feel costly. We have an ongoing hope that we can continue to meet and live with differences in our wider communion of Jesus followers.
The journey is not over and we know that there is more work to be done, but just as importantly, we want to mark and acknowledge what has already been accomplished.
During the prayer and thanksgiving service on the 24th September attendees will,
- Hear a little of what has been happening across the LLF journey and where we can go from here;
- Spend time in contemplative and creative prayer;
- Have a shared time of worship and a Visio Divina;
- Spend time with friends and colleagues, to build connection and gather inspiration as we take our next steps.
There will be a welcome from 10am, with the service starting at 10.30. It was close at 12.30 with refershments following.