We Still Do - A BBC CWR Event at Coventry Cathedral
The event on Friday 14th February at the Cathedral is a celebration of love and commitment.
The Cathedral responded to an invitation from the BBC CWR to hold an event on Valentine’s Day for couples to gather and renew their commitment to one another. As the event has been discussed and planned the Cathedral has been clear that this is not a service but that it is a very good occasion on which people can come and renew their commitment to one another. There will be a welcome and a prayer said by one of the Canons after which BBC CWR will lead on inviting couples to renew their commitment and to say that they still do love each other.
After the event clergy will be on hand to offer to all those who wish the opportunity for private prayer.
The Cathedral is committed to the present process in the Church of England under the heading of Living in Love and Faith. Whilst welcoming all to the Cathedral the reality at present is that there are limits to what can be offered to all couples. The event on Friday does not in any way move beyond the present practice and guidelines of the Church of England.
The Cathedral is delighted to be known as a place of love in the city and to be working with friends at the BBC once again.