Case Study notes from recent Net Zero projects in Coventry Diocese.
Below is a list of Case Studies from across the Diocese. These are intended to show what projects have been completed.
They aim to encourage us by sharing the experiences of our Church communities in their steps towards Net Zero carbon by 2030.
- Case Study - Blue Coat School, Coventry - Air Source Heat Pumps providing heating for part of the school site
- Case Study, St George's Church, Rugby - replacement heating (Air Source Heat Pumps)
- Case Study, All Saints Church, Leek Wootton - replacement heating (Far Infra Red heating)
- Case Study, St Barnabus & St Nicholas Church, Burmington - additional heating (Pew heating - fitted cushioning)
- Case Study - St Martin-in-the-Fields, Finham, Coventry - Solar PV installation (ground mounted)