If you are over 70 years of age, and your ministry is likely to be regular and mainly rooted in one place, it may be more appropriate for you to receive a licence following a Bishop’s Direction. If this is the case the Acting Archdeacon Pastor will first meet you to discuss your ministry, and will guide you through the process.
The PCC or PCCs of the parishes in which you will minister will be consulted, and their written consent sought. If this is given, you will be asked to undergo an occupational health assessment. Once the Bishop is satisfied that you will capable of performing the duties of the office throughout the period for which you are appointed, you will receive her licence.
Your licence can be renewed for a 1 or 2 year fixed period, depending on your age at the time of renewal, though please note that licences will only be granted beyond the age of 75 in exceptional circumstances. It is important to note that the Bishop will consider a range of factors when deciding whether to give or renew a licence. A decision not to give or renew a licence should not be considered a comment on your ministry, or its value to this diocese.