Zero Interest - podcast

Zero Interest is our new Podcast series to reach a wider audience.  Listen to the message about how the CofE is aiming to significantly reduce Carbon emissions.


In the first episode, Godfrey Armitage (Diocesan Environment Officer) talks with Colin Angus (Net Zero Carbon Project Officer) and they track back to what prompted all this action towards Net Zero.  They consider whether it is a passing fad or something more critical.  This link will take you to Zero Interest Ep1 on Sound Cloud

In the second episode, Debbie Cook (Deanery Environmental Rpresentative) and Rev Tom Cook (Vicar, St Mary's Church, Coventry) talk about Eco church and its positive impact in the local community. This link will take you to Zero Interest Ep2 on Sound Cloud.


We've just released Episode 3.  Three young people share their concerns and ideas about how we can all act, individually and together.  This link will take you to Episode 3 on Sound Cloud.


We're hoping to publish the podcast series on other more accessible platforms, so watch this space carefully and we'll update this page with those details.

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