Churchyard Regulations
The Chancellor of the Diocese has issued Regulations* concerning churchyards and Gardens of Remembrance.
These regulations include details of:
- Memorials which may be authorised by incumbents without a faculty under delegated powers from the Chancellor
- Memorials for which a faculty is required
- Designs and features not permitted
- Flowers
- Gardens of Remembrance (creation of, memorial plaques, and re-use)
The full set of Regulations can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. Alternatively, shorter summary notes for Clergy, and some guidance for bereaved families** have been produced, and are also accessible from this page.
* Please note that new Churchyard Regulations and an Additional Matters Order will come into effect from 20th April 2025. These are linked for reference only.
** New guidance for bereaved families will also come into effect from 20th April 2025. This is linked for reference only.
Introducing a Memorial
If you wish to apply to install a memorial that is entirely consistent with the Regulations, you should complete the form "Application form to introduce a conforming memorial"* and then send it to the local priest of the churchyard concerned.
If your proposed memorial is not consistent with the Regulations, you will need to apply for a faculty. To apply for a faculty please use the "Memorial Petition form" (regrettably the Online Faculty System cannot be used for memorial applications) and send it, accompanied by the statutory faculty fee of £327.40 by way of cheque payable to Rotherham and Co to:
Diocesan Registry
Rotherham and Co
8 & 9 The Quadrant
Tel: 024 7622 7331
* Please note that a new application form will be introduced with the new Churchyard Regulations on 20th April 2025. It is linked for reference only.
Reservation of a grave space (for burial)
If you wish to reserve a gravespace in a churchyard, you should complete the "Reservation of gravespace" application form and send it to the Diocesan Registrar (see address above).
Gardens of Remembrance
Any PCC wishing to create or extend a Garden of Remembrance should read the relevant section in the Churchyard Regulations and then make an application for Informal Advice or a Faculty using the Online Faculty System.
Please note that applications should include details of where the Garden of Remembrance will be located (or extended to), how it will be demarked, details of the Book of Remembrance that will be in the church (and where it will go and its display case), and whether there will be a marker stone (and, if so, details of its type, size, location and inscription).
A Churchwarden's Guide to the DAC 2021
New Churchyard Regulations (with effect from 20th April 2025)
New Additional Matters Order (with effect from 20th April 2025)
New Application Form (with effect from 20th April 2025)
New Handbook for the Bereaved (with effect from 20th April 2025)
Pastoral leaflet for burials (pdf)
Memorials and churchyard management (guidance for clergy)
Guidance for bereaved families - memorials in churchyards
The faculty procedure - applying for a non-conforming memorial in a churchyard
Review by the Diocese of Coventry in relation to the headstone of the late Margaret Keane
Churchyard Plan and Record Regulations
Guidance Note: Re-use of a grave space
Guidance Note: Churchyard Maintenance and Safety
Caring for Historic Graveyard and Cemetery Monuments (English Heritage)