The Aspects of Ministry courses are usually run in collaboration with our regional partner dioceses across the West Midlands. This enables us to offer quality training opportunities around identified development objectives. We usually invite participants individually but, if you would like to register interest in one of the courses below, please do get in touch. You can find out more about the courses on offer below or visit the West Midlands CMD website where there is more information including dates and venues of the upcoming events.
First Incumbents
This year long course is for clergy who have taken on a post of primary responsibility for the first time during the preceding year. As well as some of the practicalities of legal responsibilities, there is the opportunity to explore managing the processes of change that a new vicar is expected to undertake.
Developing Ministry - Leading in a Changing Church
This year long course is especially suitable for those who are incumbents for the first time and have been in post for about eighteen months, or those who have become team rectors, or those who have recently been given responsibility for a multi-parish benefice. Sector ministers have also participated in the course and found it very helpful.
Celebrating Ministry
A residential course for clergy and ministers of the West Midlands who want to renew their vision for their ministry.
Transforming Conflict
This course offers an opportunity to look at conflict in the church differently. Participants will develop skills that enable them to engage with difficult behaviours, heightened emotions and conflict.
Celebrating Wisdom
A residential course for clergy of the West Midlands who want to renew their vision for their ministry.
Pre retirement retreat/conference
For clergy and spouses as they prepare for retirement.