Associate Minister / Pioneer, based in Lighthorne
Licensed to Wellesborne, this role offers an exciting opportunity to pioneer a New Worshipping Community in a growing housing development, embracing the existing church in Lighthorne Village, valuing diversity and moving forward together; blending rural charm with urban expansion. Working closely with local people a supportive priest, and the wider team within Fosse Deanery.
We are looking for someone to
- Church plant in the new development
- Engage with the local school, ministering to children and families; supported by recruitment of a Children and Families Worker.
- Build cohesion and work creatively to cultivate spiritual growth and care within both the church and the wider community.
- Develop new ways of worship that engage the evolving community.
- Model discipleship, nurture relationships and foster a culture where the gospel is experience in action; where everyone, young and old, actively grows in faith in Jesus.
This role suits someone passionate about community engagement, innovation and collaboration in mission.
Informal conversations very welcome with the Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311, ( or the Revd Greg Bartlem, Vicar of Wellesbourne, 01789 840866
Click here for the Parish Profile
Click here to download the Application Form
Closing date for Applications: Noon Friday 7 March
Interviews: 25 & 26 March 2025
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator):
Team Vicar, All Saints’, Emscote, Warwick
We are seeking a Team Vicar who will advance the Kingdom of God at All Saints’ Emscote through inspiring, Spirit-filled leadership. With imagination, collaboration and example, our vicar will encourage our growth in commitment to God, to one another and to our community.
We are praying for someone who:
- has a deep, prayerful faith;
- is eager to develop our mission as an inclusive community in the Anglo-Catholic tradition;
- is able to inspire and empower the ministry of every member;
- has a vision for integrating children and young people into our congregation;
- is willing to explore All Saints’ role within the Warwick Team, and beyond;
Informal conversations very welcome with the Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311 (
Click here for the Parish Profile
Click here to download the Application Form
Closing date for Applications: Noon Friday 7 March
Interviews: 26 & 27 March 2025
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator):
Priest-in-Charge / Rural Pioneer, Churches of Arden
The Churches of Arden are a group of four parishes in South Warwickshire, a few miles north of Stratford-upon-Avon. This post is one of four re-imagined roles for clergy colleagues as incumbents with a creative missional flair. We have appointed to two and are praying in anticipation for the two still to be appointed.
We seek a Priest-in-Charge/Rural Pioneer who is excited by the opportunity to lead us in our parishes and who:
- will invigorate us spiritually as a church and as individuals, inspiring and challenging us to deepen our faith
- likes to collaborate and to work with teams
- is an encourager, and can bring forth the gifts and talents of people
- is comfortable with a wide variety of worship styles
- is creative and forward-looking, while sympathetically understanding the past
- can communicate effectively with people of all ages, especially children and young adults
- serve across the deanery working with colleagues, contributing missional specialisms and expertise in support of one another.
This is an exciting moment as we look to rethink how our rural mission and ministry is exercised across the whole deanery, working towards the common vision of ‘growing welcoming communities and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to our villages’.
Informal conversations very welcome with the Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311, ( or the Area Dean, Revd Katie Cross, 07976 263514,
Click here for the Parish Profile
Click here to download the Application Form
Closing date for Applications: Noon Friday 7 March
Interviews: 01 & 02 April 2025
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator):
Rector/Rural Pioneer, Heart of England Benefice
The Heart of England Benefice is a group of six parishes in a beautiful part of South Warwickshire, near Stratford-upon-Avon and just north of the Cotswolds.
This post is one of four re-imagined roles for clergy colleagues as incumbents with a creative missional flair. We have appointed to two and are praying in anticipation for the two still to be appointed.
We seek a Rector/Rural Pioneer who is excited by the opportunity to work with a large team of lay and licensed individuals, who serve and lead in all our churches and will:
- Engage with our four church schools who are key connectors to our communities.
- Promote mission in our new housing developments, building on and creating new forms of outreach across generations.
- Collaborate with our associate minister (a house-for-duty role), our part-time family link worker, and our part-time administrator.
- Live in a modern rectory set in lovely gardens in the largest of our villages with a full range of amenities and local transport links.
We are looking for someone who will:
- Teach the Bible in a relevant way, inspiring application to everyday life and share our faith.
- Communicate and engage well with children, young people and schools.
- Identify, encourage, and release the unique gifts of individuals, inspiring dynamic team working.
- Serve across the deanery working with colleagues, contributing missional specialisms and expertise in support of one another.
This is an exciting moment as we look to rethink how our rural mission and ministry is exercised across the whole deanery, working towards the common vision of ‘growing welcoming communities and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to our villages’.
Click here for the parish profile
Click here to download the advert
Click here to download the application form
Closing Date for Applications: 12 noon, 7 March 2025
Interviews: 31 March/1 April 2025
Informal conversations very welcome with Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311 (
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator
Vicar, St Alban's, Stoke Heath, Coventry
St. Alban’s Church is entering a new and exciting chapter, and we seek a passionate individual to join us. Known for our welcoming and collaborative spirit, we seek someone who shares our enthusiasm for the Christian faith and community.
We aim to build a joyful, diverse worship community, committed to outreach and engagement.
We seek someone who:
- Brings enthusiasm and excitement for the Christian faith.
- Joins us in joyful and fulfilling collaborative worship.
- Easy to talk to and a good listener.
- Continues our outreach, fostering a diverse congregation.
- Works with our Youth & Children’s Team on engaging activities.
- Provides leadership opportunities, especially for young people.
- Helps the congregation discern and use their spiritual gifts.
- Guides personal spiritual journeys.
- Develops small holistic prayer groups.
- Cares for and visits those unable to attend church.
Click here to download the profile
Click here to download the application form
Closing Date for Applications: tbc
Interviews: May / June 2025
Informal conversations very welcome with the Area Dean, Claire McArthur on 07532 260027 ( or the Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311 (
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator):
Associate Minister House for Duty, Wilmcote with Billesley (to be known as Minister in Charge of Wilmcote with Billesley)
Wilmcote is a lovely and friendly village near Stratford upon Avon. St Andrew’s is a welcoming, inclusive, Anglo-Catholic church, and we are collectively and individually involved in the life of our lively village and school. We are looking for a House for Duty priest who will become an integral part of our village life.
We wish to appoint someone who will:
develop stronger missional links between the church and the community
nurture creative ways of engaging with children and young families, including through ministry in the local school
live in the vicarage and play an active part in the life of the village
be respectful of our Anglo-Catholic heritage, making these traditions relevant and accessible to a wider range of people
be an adaptable and pastorally sensitive leader, managing change effectively
nurture, empower and equip new lay leaders to develop our mission and ministry
build a strategic and fruitful relationship with the neighbouring parish of St Andrew’s Shottery to strengthen our missional potential
Click here for the parish profile
Click here for the House for Duty ministerial working agreement
Click here to download the application form
Closing Date for Applications: 12 noon, 14 February 2025
Interviews: 11/12 March 2025
Informal conversations very welcome with Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311 (
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator
Associate Minister, Ansty & Shilton (House for Duty basis)
St James Ansty and St Andrew’s Shilton serve two picturesque and community-focused Warwickshire villages north of Coventry, with a range of local amenities and excellent transport links to the majority of the country.
We are seeking a House for Duty priest who will enjoy focusing on the heart of parish ministry and become an integral part of life in the two villages. We wish to appoint a priest who will:
- Be a visible and known presence in the local and wider communities, within and beyond the Church
- Be able to build relationships with people of all ages and experiences
- Recognise and encourage potential in lay ministry, leading us in worship, spiritual growth, and outreach in our parishes
- Be creative, and comfortable within a range of worship styles and a broad expression of faith
- Embrace the vision of the Church communities, and build on them using their own gifts, in their own way.
- Collaborate with partner Churches across Bulkington, Ansty and Shilton
The Vicar of Bulkington will become Priest-in-Charge of Ansty and Shilton, releasing our House for Duty colleague to focus on the heart of parish ministry unincumbered by some of the administration.
Informal conversations very welcome with the Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311, ( or the Revd Charles Higgins, Vicar of Bulkington on 07954 072164
Click here for the Parish Profile
Click here to download the Application Form
Click for the House for Duty Working Agreement
Closing date for Applications: Noon Friday 7 March
Interviews: 01 & 02 April 2025
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator):
Mission Enabling Associate Minister, Fosse Deanery
Based in Northend, we seek an Associate Minister, to join our team to help grow thriving Christian communities across rural South Warwickshire.
Fosse Deanery in collaboration with the Archdeacon Missioner has developed an exciting plan to sustain the ministry and help stimulate growth across our rural parishes.
The role:
Half-time as Associate Minister for Dassett Magna
With primary responsibility for mission and ministry in Dassett Magna -
Half-time as Deanery Rural Mission Enabler
Working alongside the incumbent and local leaders from rural churches in the deanery. You will join a team with a heart to see a thriving Christian presence in our rural villages.
The role will evolve as it grows; alongside advice, training and support for churches engaging in mission, it will involve collaboration with churches, incumbents and lay teams, to establish, lead and empower planting new worshipping communities.
Personal Specification:
A self-starter and team player
Has the skills to take on responsibility for church growth projects
Experience in
Leading a missional church
Leadership in a rural context
Teaching and enabling outreach and church growth in our changing community
A church plant, fresh expression or re-imagining the mission of local church
Comfortable working in a breadth of traditions and open to all members of our communities
An engaging preacher and communicator
Will motivate and inspire worship
Will balance dynamism and directness with humour and compassion
Click here for the parish profile for Dassett Magna
Click here for the overview of the Edgehill Churches and Moreton Morrell
Click here to download the advert
Click here for the job description
Click here to download the application form
Closing Date for Applications: noon, tbc
Interviews: tbc
Informal conversations very welcome with Archdeacon Missioner, Ven Barry Dugmore, on 07487 578311 ( or Rev Barry Jackson, Rector of the Edgehill Churches on 07515 109252 or (
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator
Associate Minister House for Duty, South Warwickshire Seven Benefice
Gospel Ministry in the beautiful North Cotswolds! The South Warwickshire Seven (SW7) is a benefice made up of seven small parishes in rural South Warwickshire. We wish to appoint a House for Duty Associate Minister (know locally as Assistant Minister) to support the Rector as together we seek to realize our vision of ‘rediscovering Jesus as our ultimate treasure and giving everyone in our benefice the opportunity to do the same.’
We are looking for someone who:
Loves and knows the living Lord Jesus as revealed in the Gospels.
Empowered by God seeks to live up to the qualifications for church leadership as set out in the pastoral epistles (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1).
Has a deep passion for the scriptures and a proven track record of communicating them faithfully and engagingly at different levels of ministry.
Has a pastor’s heart, knowing the grace of God in their own lives and communicating that grace to others.
Does not ‘despise the day of small things’ but is willing and able to celebrate the small signs of the Holy Spirit at work.
The post will consist of three days a week including Sundays. The well-appointed house is set in the scenic village of Cherington and Stourton.
Click here for the parish profile
Click here for the role and personal specification
Click here for the House for Duty ministerial working agreement
Click here to download the application form
Closing Date for Applications: TBC
Interviews: TBC
Informal conversations very welcome with Rev Ben Dyson, Rector of South Warwickshire Seven Group, on 01608 628229 (
Please send completed application forms to Debbie Niblett (HR Officer and Archdeacons’ Administrator