Diocesan Synod Members

DIOCESAN SYNOD - FROM 01/08/2024 (term runs until 31 July 2027)
President The Rt Revd  Sophie Jelley
Bishop of Warwick      
Archdeacon Pastor (acting) The Revd Tim Cockell
Archdeacon Missioner The Venerable Barry Dugmore
Dean of Coventry The Very Revd John Witcombe
Chair of the DAC The Revd Tim Cockell 
Diocesan Chancellor The Worshipful Glyn Samuel
Chair of the DBF Mr Steve Coomber
Chair of the DBE Mr Mike Draper
General Synod Member The Revd Claire McArthur
General Synod Member The Revd Jonathan Jee
General Synod Member The Revd Kate Massey
General Synod Member Dr Rachel Atkinson
General Synod Member Ms Gill Frigerio
General Synod Member Mr Sam Margrave
Mothers' Union President Mrs Karen  Morris
Warwick University chaplain The Revd Annie  McCormick
Alcester The Revd Daniel Corlett
Alcester The Revd Sheila Bridge
Coventry East The Revd Claire McArthur 
Coventry East The Revd Samantha Millard
Coventry East The Revd Dr Jonathan Taylor
Coventry East The Revd Tom Cook
Coventry East The Revd Pam Howell
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry North The Revd Richard Hibbert
Coventry North The Revd Charlotte Jackson
Coventry North The Revd Naomi Nixon
Coventry North The Revd Jennifer Wickham
Coventry North The Revd Abby Rhodes
Coventry North      
Coventry South The Revd Josh Maynard
Coventry South The Revd David Mayhew
Coventry South The Revd Jo Joyce
Coventry South The Revd Ed Backhouse
Coventry South The Revd Andy March
Coventry South The Revd Josh Grimwood
Fosse The Revd Alison Abbott
Fosse The Revd Patrick Taylor
Fosse The Revd Dr Beren Hartless
Fosse The Revd Greg Bartlem
Fosse The Revd Barry Jackson
Fosse The Revd Linda MacDermott
Kenilworth The Revd Eira Hale
Kenilworth The Revd Ann Peachey
Nuneaton The Revd Heather Barnes
Nuneaton The Revd Gail Phillip
Nuneaton The Revd Rupert Allen
Nuneaton The Revd Alison Evans
Nuneaton The Revd Chris Routledge
Rugby The Revd Capt Peter Bone
Rugby The Revd Canon Dr Edmund Newey
Rugby The Revd Rosemary Lowdon
Rugby The Revd Alison Baxter
Rugby The Revd Malcolm Ingham
Rugby The Revd Steve Gold
Rugby The Revd April Gold
Shipston The Revd George Heighton
Shipston The Revd Sarah Edmonds Maguire
Shipston The Revd Canon Dr Richard Cooke
Southam The Revd Andrew Batchelor
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Andy Ruffhead
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Canon Jonathan Jee
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Becky Jones
Warwick & Leamington The Revd David Brown
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Anita Morgan
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Canon Graeme Pringle
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Cerys Smith
Warwick & Leamington The Revd Stephen Parker
Alcester Mrs Tricia Berry
Alcester Dr John Wilkinson
Alcester Professor Christopher Reynolds
Alcester Mr Chris Baker
Alcester Ms Charlotte Fitchett
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry East      
Coventry North Mr Paul Doggett
Coventry North Miss Ann Weitzel
Coventry North Mrs Sue Williams
Coventry North Mr Matthew Davies
Coventry North Mr James Kendall
Coventry South Mr Andrew Smith
Coventry South Ms Diane Fellowes
Coventry South Mr Tim Pollard
Coventry South Mr Nicholas Bradshaw
Fosse Mr Anthony Woollard
Fosse Mrs Katie Hartless Rose
Fosse Mr Philip Harper
Fosse Ms Lesley Turner
Kenilworth Mrs Nicola Perryman
Kenilworth Mr Chris Powell
Kenilworth Mr Phil Sewards
Kenilworth Mr Anthony Rich
Nuneaton Mr Phillip Corina
Nuneaton Mr David King
Nuneaton Mrs Margaret Antill
Nuneaton Mr Robin Croxall
Nuneaton Mrs Susan Turner
Rugby Mrs Helen Simmonds
Rugby Mr Geoff Davies
Rugby Mr Bryan Acford
Rugby Ms Gail Richmond
Rugby Mr Ronald Smith
Shipston Mr David Rake
Shipston Mr Jonathan Young
Shipston Mrs Roseanna Wakefield
Southam Mr David Richardson
Southam Dr Joe Walsh
Warwick & Leamington Ms Julie Choe
Warwick & Leamington Mr Simon Brown
Warwick & Leamington Ms Alicia Sampson
Warwick & Leamington Mr Andrew Rolls
Warwick & Leamington Miss Claire Russell
Warwick & Leamington Ms Hannah Wilson
Warwick & Leamington Mrs Marianne Rohan
Warwick & Leamington Mrs Jo King
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