New growth

We hope that every parish or benefice will grow from its own life a new worshipping community.

Bishop Christopher says:

"Life is why we trust God to grow the life of the church ...through all the gifts of life that have been at work in the Church from its beginnings: bible-reading, preaching, baptism, healing, common life, fellowship, prayer, the apostles’ teaching and the breaking of bread, great adventures of discipleship.

And now, I believe God is calling us to grow something new.  My hope is that, by 2030, every parish or benefice will have grown from its own life a new worshipping community that will be reaching out to people who are missing at the moment.  Some of those will be small, some of them will be bigger.  Most of them will be new congregations of some sort. Some – not many but some – will be whole new churches, perhaps in areas of new housing."

Learning mentors

Launched in 2017, the Serving Christ project aims to equip and empower disciples throughout Warwickshire and Coventry.  Five learning mentors are providing one-to-one support, setting up learning communities, running courses and finding or creating high-quality training resources.  In so doing they are creating the capacity for new growth.

Equip Hub

As the name suggests, the Equip Hub is an online hub which brings relevant and helpful learning to the whole diocese.  Its purpose is to equip and empower people for whole-life discipleship and mission, and to develop their faith, confidence and skills.  The Equip Hub contains accessible and flexible online and face-to-face courses, events and resources tailored to your role and interests.  It also enables you to organise and track your own confidence in your learning.

Explore the Equip Hub

Growth strategy

In November 2020, the Diocesan Synod approved a growth strategy for the Diocese of Coventry.  The aim is to launch 150 new worshipping communities before the end of this decade.

Read more


Strategy overview

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