When you have decided on the date on which you will retire, you should write to the Bishop to inform her. You should aim to do this at least six months before your preferred date.
Clergy living in a DBF or parish owned house should contact the Diocesan Property Manager to arrange the date on which you will leave the house. This will legally be the date of your resignation, unless you formally make other arrangements. You may wish to take a week or two of holiday between your last service and your formal retirement date, to give time to move.
The Assistant to the Archdeacons will send you a Deed of Written Confirmation, and a further form (“Appendix A”). In order to fill in Appendix A you will need to confirm the date you have agreed with the Property Manager, and the date on which you plan to tell your congregation(s). The PA to the Archdeacons and Diocesan Secretary will then contact you to arrange an exit interview with the Acting Archdeacon Pastor or Associate Archdeacon.
You should also notify the Church of England Pensions Board of your retirement date (their contact information is at the foot of the page linked). Please note that the Board will be unable to discuss exact figures with you until the DBF has confirmed to them that your retirement date matches the date on your Deed of Written Confirmation, so it is important to submit this in plenty of time. If you have a private pension, or a pension from a career before you were ordained, you should also notify those providers.
If you move to a different diocese we suggest that you engage with your Archdeacon or BORCAS (Bishop's Officer for Retired Clergy and Spouses) officer, or equivalent. There may be ministry opportunities available, and if this is the case they will be able to discuss them with you. However it is important to note that there is no guarantee that you will be asked or encouraged to excercise ministry in retirement.
Due to GDPR constraints your contact details cannot be handed over from one diocesce to another, so you will need to make this contact yourself. You may wish to do this immediately, or to take some time to settle. More information on help offered by BORCAS officers in this diocese can be found here.