Al-Ahli Hospital, Gaza

Bishop John is keen to bring your attention an appeal for the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. You will have read of the recent escalation of violence throughout the Holy Land which comes on top of the effects of the pandemic in the area.  The new Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, the Most Rev'd Hosam Naoum, called on the authorities to restore order and calm in the region and work towards a lasting peace. Read more here.

At this time, the Diocese of Jerusalem continues to reach out to all who are injured, bereaved or left without homes and employment. In particular, the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, run by the Diocese of Jerusalem, is on the frontlines of these relief efforts, becoming a beacon of hope to those trying to remain alive under such dire circumstances. 

However, the hospital is overwhelmed and in desperate need of funds as supplies run low and electricity has been cut. Please will you consider donating to the Archbishop’s Al Ahli Hospital Appeal 2021?  Your donation will be used to:

  • provide fuel for hospital generators (their only source of electricity)
  • purchase emergency medicine and medical supplies 

Donations may be made online at the JMECA (Jerusalem & Middle East Church Association) website: where other methods of payment are also detailed.  Please Gift Aid your donation if possible as this will increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to you. 

Bishop John asks that you publicise details of the appeal as widely as possible. Please continue to pray for the situation in the Holy Land. 

First published on: 9th June 2021
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