Diocesan Synod

This page contains an explanation of what the Coventry Diocesan Synod is and some resources for Synod members.

What is the Coventry Diocesan Synod?

The Diocesan Synod is the 'parliament' of the Diocese, with over 100 members drawn from all eleven deaneries. It normally meets three times each year, for a mixture of worship, prayer, presentations, debates and discussion.


The Diocesan Synod works to fulfil the Diocesan Mission Purpose by:

  • Testing and approving the strategy and direction of the Diocese to ensure that all parts of the Diocese are supported and enabled to achieve the Mission Purpose
  • Bringing people together from across the Diocese to share ideas and experience
  • Representing the people and churches of the Diocese on subjects affecting Diocesan life

What does the Diocesan Synod do?

Diocesan Synods were created by the Synodical Government Measure 1969. They have the following functions:

  • To consider matters concerning the Church of England, and to make provision for such matters in the Diocese
  • To consider and express opinion on any matter of religious or public interest
  • To advise the Bishop when consulted by him
  • To consider matters referred to it by the General Synod
  • To consider and approve the annual budget of the Diocesan Board of Finance and to receive and adopt its annual Report and Accounts.

Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd.

The members of Diocesan Synod are also the members of the Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd. for company law purposes.  Each member has a personal liability limited to £1 under their guarantee as company members in the event of its being wound up. 

Background information

The formal rules which govern the Diocesan Synod are its Standing Orders.

Guidance for members on how to submit questions and motions can be found here.

Members are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, approved by Diocesan Synod in March 2023.

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